Wednesday 14 February 2018

After a long time, in a form of rhyme

It springs out as female infanticide
Covering the controller's sight;
Or kills her before she cries
Clearing the womb so that it dries;
Because, for it, the mating of illiteracy and penury
Has no place to stay in this capitalist's jury.

This throny shrub grows fast as pine;
Initially Eve-teasing her in plain,
Then stalking her in terrain,
And at last killing her with its spine,
Nowhere secret, but in train.

It spreads wide across like cactus
If we resist, with acid it may attack us

Even in her house, she is in silence.
Cause it has penetrated there too-
In the name of domestic violence

It's growth has a glassy phase,
Which has ceiled her in work place;
Detaing her from the very race,
Cause her strength it can't face.

It blames her for wandering at night
Not abling to control it's wandering mind.
It curses her for her dress,
But even with 2nd grade girl
It makes mess.
It probes  her background,
Searching reasons to runaround.

She may be father's girl or mother's world,
But when loved someone
She's accused to be devil's own.
Her murder -
Is not spelled louder,
For she is stamped as honour degrader.

Now tired of hearing all its varieties,
Your question is about our duties.

Instead of shouting for padmavati,
Join hands to support swathi.
Give her her freedom,
If not she'll anex it by her wisdom.
She asks for no protection,
But she desevers recognition.
Learn to accept her for what she is,
Then to every home she brings bliss.

Thursday 1 February 2018

After a year's sleep
I would like to leap
I forgot how to glow
So I yield in to my flow
I was not busy with my academics
Just taken over by life's dynamics
This new year's resolution
Is to leave off all my delusions
Stepping out of adolescent
I can't be still ignorant
I should learn to be independent
Practice to be an Incumbent