Monday 16 January 2017


It's not about telling women what they need... We need feminism because people are still blindly agreeing that women don't need to be paid for the same work as men, that they are okay with the indifference and injustices so ingrained in society that they have accepted it as a way of life.

Feminism are not angry lesbians who hate men. Feminists do not believe women are better than men,or that women deserve special privileges.They do not believe women are victims.

In order to be a considered a feminist, you only need to be on board with one idea: All humans, male and female, should have equal political, economic, and social rights.

Although more and more people are beginning to understand the true definition of feminism and openly identifying with it, there has always been a negative stigma attached to it. Part of this problem is the way our media sensationalizes things, trying to pass the most radical and extreme version as the standard which,in this case, depicts a feminist as a man- hater who hates lipstick, crinkles  her nose at stay at home moms , and unapologetically supports abortions on demand.

It's these false assumptions that cause anti- feminist campaigns, such as the recent " women Against Feminism" which consists of people posting photos of themselves with statements such as:  " I don't need feminism bI don't choose to ignore the fact that men have issues too" and " I don't need feminism because I already have equal rights " Reading through the majority of these posts quickly brings forth a glaringly obvious problem: how misguided too many people still are about what being a feminist actually means.

As Lena Dunham pointed out,  " Feminism isn't  a dirty word. It's not like we're a deranged group who think women should take over the planet, raise our young on our own and eliminate men from the picture."

Being a feminist has nothing to do with how you look, what you wear,who you date, or how often you have sex. Being a feminist doesn't mean you think women deserve special rights.It means you know that we deserve equal ones.

While a primary purpose of feminism is to empower women, it does mean feminists view all women as weak and oppressed. Feminists are not aiming to make women stronger.They already know they are strong. They just want society to see that too.

Empowering women does not mean belittling or punishing men.Men,too.suffer from gender role assumptions that place expectations upon them to live and act a certain way.Feminists believe each person should be viewed based on their individual strengths and capabilities as a human being , not the strengths and capabilities assumed of their gender. They believe every person should be treated equally not because of gender, but in spite of it.

There are some people who believe that feminism is a thing of the past that we don't need it anymore because the patriarchal system no longer exists.After all, we can vote, right? That's true. In fact, in all demographics, females vote more than men. Yet, women still Congress even though they make up more than half the population. Some believe the patriarchal system doesn't exist because we have equal employment opportunities . But if this were really the case would there still be a 23 percent.

If you are a feminist, you believe women should be treated the same men, not because we are better, but because we are human ......



  1. Feminism is not female chauvnism.. it is asking for eqaul rights for fellow beings irrespective of sex , sexuality and gender.

  2. Feminism is not a dirtyword that abolishes goodness of men .it is a beautiful word which adds beauty to the society
