Saturday 31 December 2016

The circle won`t be complete if we don`t log into their account. We, even without our sentience, don`t forget to give a second look if we see them on roads or in streets. They are transgender. 
              why these cassowaries always going out of their track ? Is Feminism and Transgender sinking motifs? No they are not ...but  the latter is related with women. So its our kind obligation to include them in our fly.
We have accepted them as they are after a long clock. Days have gone where child transgender were abandoned and chased out of their house. These cruel acts are reason for the scenes we encounter in streets.


It's not of being bored that I chalk this, but viewing the outline, we are being raised.                                                                    It's true and we are very much condign to nod our head to the fact that women are fostered to reach heights these days. We are atmost bearing the palm in many acreages.
      Due to breakthrough in technology and education, the mindset of people are gradually becoming voluminous. Since because of this , our ladder is reaching the sky. Like, working women are enhanced, equal percentage in contesting elections are taking place, girls with guts and spirits are galvanized inspite of pre-assuming it to be the male's trait and imparting fair shake to girls in all arena.
          The society has started evading from the storm of clichés by moulding it's view about women.
   It may be, being at one's wit for some, thinking of, for the past few days she  was quite sturdy in her views of enumerating motifs raised against women, but now why a sudden flip change.
            I am neither pranking nor playing, in a very outlined way, our rank is high, but in a deep sense..far more to go.
To be frank, I have not bumped out with any kind of subjugation or prejudice candidly. Many may be at loss, thinking then why is it necessary for this girl to
dash off like this.
We go in a bus and peep outside the window, everything outside may not interest everyone. For a student, an Audi car, for a daily wager, a good looking house and for a person who is hungry, a food stall would interest him or her. Most of them get interested in things which they lack but only few, may be five in a bus , inspite of having no lack, would be eagered to introspect others lack and give solution.
 We are those five birds included in that "FEW". Despite of not having any privy experiences,  we see for cases which affect the society in whole. If something didn't happen to us, it doesn't mean that it's not at all happening.
All these, not only stand as a barrier for our progress but the Nation's too...


"MARRIAGE", a legal bond between men and women done with the approval from the society. This function happens for minimum three days in our side. This is an occasion which not only joins the couple but the two distinct families also.
I recently encountered my cousin sister's engagement function. It left me with joy, happiness and a mere feel too, the reason why I am imprinting this.
     It was at sea for the bride's side but a cool breeze for the groom's side.
This was an inter religion marriage. The bride's side were Christians while groom's side were Hindus. The bride was asked to put bindhi as initial transformation, giving up her norm. While the groom was happily standing abiding to his own culture. He won't change but , it's necessary for the girl. This is not religion chauvinism but males. She can't oppose openly, her voice was shut behind the family members. What is the reason? Because she is a girl.
Other thing which made me to stand on the horns of dilemma was that I was restricted to stand near the bride, not only me no adult girl was allowed. While the groom is at high, chatting with his adult boys. Why such subjugation, even in occasions?
     Marriage is something that involves both men and women, why it is always seen in a narrow way as if life is given to the girl by the boy.
Is Mangal sutru, an unofficial gazette to change the girl's name. Why? The men is not struck with any truck of changes after crossing the marriage track, but it's quite obverse for a girl.
    A festival in India mostly coils my brain. It is known as Varalakshmi Noambu , where married wives keep fasting for the elongation of their partner's days. I don't complain this rituals, but why the same is not done by men. Don't they want there wife to live long or they don't believe in rituals? Because they can easily have a quantum leap to another if their wives expire.  No one stand against this, its seen as an usual thing. While if women take the same leap, she is given a look in a different way by the society. Why??
        These are poisonous seed, which was watered by none but us , now stands as a huge tree for our walk.

Friday 30 December 2016

A blog on our blog itself

Not having anybody listening to your intellectually rebellious thoughts can cause serious damage to your brain said my brain... 
At once used blogging as my own way of catharsis ... It works... believe me.. it really does.

As blogging has more widespread interest, especially vis-á-vis electoral politics, feminist activity on the internet has remained marginal to the mainstream. “Blogging Feminism” continues to explore the wide range of activity to which young feminists devote themselves. Focal points for the works included in this issue include gender, cyber-activism, sexuality, race, class and globalization in the blogosphere and beyond.Feminist blogs serve the purpose of spreading ideas, sparking debates, raising awareness, discussing opinions, sharing stories, and virtually spreading the notion of feminism throughout the Internet.
With feminist blogging, women can have a voice to speak up about their opinions and beliefs.This also allows them to openly discuss about their situation with confidence and can help avoid being seen as silent or submissive. By blogging, it is seen as an effective method in getting the involvement of others or getting the attention of politically active people. With women discussing about events confidently, it allows a community of like minded individuals to understand what is occurring around the world and how they can get involved with different issues. With blogging, there is empowerment to make a difference within governments and international communities by getting involved through blogging. Feminist blogging is seen as a public activity that allows anyone to see a situation from a different viewpoint. Unlike traditional forms of media that discusses situations through a specific view that may appear to be male influence or avoids discussing about it, the information through feminist blogs is seen as transparent rather than edited for appeal.
With feminist blogging, there is an increase in activism. While many critics argue that nothing gets accomplished, feminist blogging encourages activism. Women use blogging as a method to get information and understanding of concepts or issues. Feminist blogging allows an individual who is in a community that does not understand or have much knowledge of the issues that many women go through. So, it allows individuals to get the information that many news resources may not cover and allows individuals to see through a difference perspective gaze. The gaze is not through a Western perspective, but rather a perspective of women living in that country with different cultural beliefs than Western societies. With women blogging about their opinions and hardships they endure, their personal problems become political and international as well.
Feminist blogging can be seen as an essential method in the democratization of women through online activism. 
Feminist blogging allows individuals to understand that activism in the modern era has changed. It allows individuals to incorporate social issues, such as feminism, into political activism and, allows for people to discover different forms of feminist theories.

Thursday 29 December 2016

15 Interesting Facts About . . . Feminism

1.    The term “feminism” appeared in the English language in the 1890s, though women’s conscious struggle against discrimination and sexism is much older.
2.    Most varieties of feminism have fought to dispel the belief that there is a natural, biologically determined essence of the feminine that is universal and unchangeable. Many feminists feel that essentialism has contributed to the belief that women were not as efficient as men in the political and public spheres.
3.    According to a recent survey, just 20% of Americans consider themselves feminists. Approximately 8% consider themselves as anti-feminists, while 63% said they are neither. However most respondents (82%) believed that men and women should be equal, with just 9% saying that men and women should not be equal
4.    Globally, about 1 in 3 women will be beaten or raped in her lifetime.
5.    Women hold the two highest IQ scores ever recorded
6.    Just 1% of titled land in the world is owned by women
7.    Approximately 38% of all murders of women globally are committed by their intimate partners
8.    Women are more likely to get a high school diploma than men. In addition, over 60% of college degrees in the United States are awarded to women
9.    In Yemen, women are not allowed to leave their house without their husbands
10.           Women have invented several important technologies, including the windshield wiper, industrial lathes, Liquid Paper, bras, nonreflective glass, the dishwasher, disposable diapers, petroleum refining methods, and much more
11.           Women are not allowed to vote in Saudi Arabia or in Vatican City.
12.           Some feminists have argued that both colonial oppression and Western feminism have marginalized postcolonial women. In response, alternative types of feminism have emerged, such as black and postcolonial feminisms, third-world feminism, indigenous feminism, African feminism, Stiwanism, negofeminism, femalism, transnational feminism, and Africana womanism
13.           In some parts of India, road safety laws do not apply to women—an exemption that kills or injures thousands of women each year
14.           In Yemen, women are considered to be only “half a witness.” This means that a single woman’s testimony isn’t taken seriously unless it is backed by a man’s word. Additionally, women cannot testify at all in cases of adultery, libel, theft, or sodomy
15.           There are various forms of feminism, including lesbian feminism (argues heterosexuality perpetuates women’s sexual oppression), cultural feminism (women have been separate from each other and convinced of their inferiority), socialist feminism (women are held back by lack of education and social discrimination), Marxist feminism (the division of labor and lack of support for working mothersexcludes them from productive labor), and radical feminism (opposes marriage and patriarchy), among many others........

Image result for jayalalitha

Tuesday 27 December 2016

THEY ARE "HIDDEN TREASURE" ...still not Recognized !!

Hi friends, sorry for the long halt.
  It would be a bell of dissatisfaction if I don't ink about her. She starts her day for OTHERS, pacing in the kitchen. She cooks in the house, do the household chores, go to office, works there also, returns home drooped, ready to nuke again and her day ends after the long run. But in spite of her sedulous spring, she expects no recognition.
    What she get by doing all this??? What?? Nothing for herself, then why she do this?? It's because of her bottom line, the state of seeing OTHERS comfort gives her bliss. Who are this "OTHERS"?? for whom she is having this daily drive? Who is she??
     At alpha, many INTUITIONS, at mid more GUESSES and at Omega, all ASSURANCES. Yes, she' none other than the doer, who debuted me to this stage, "MY MOTHER". I am one in this "OTHERS", who breathe through her nose.

Every woman, both working woman and house wives, work with might and main for our construction and they stand as the foundational pillar for our form. In case of a housewife, she is presumed to be doing no  work officially, on the other side if a working women assumed to be doing no household chores.
 They anticipate no compliments for their never ending performance but let their dignity be not threatened. They have their value and deserve respect from everyone.
She does everything but clichés are struck in her wings also. When a child has achieved something, his father is given the praise for upbringing him, while the same child turns for a crooked path, the mother is blamed for  nurturing the child like that. Most of the time I have encountered situations where the praise rained always on the father or the husband but where the actual deserver is the mother or the wife. What more than this is required for us to prove that something is bitty yet? Obviously, they don`t do anything for compliments or glory, but others don`t have the droit to drag praise from their toil.
    She buried her interests in soil making it strong for me to grow as a firm plant.
Dedicated to all "MOTHERS"
          To all "HEROIC and FABULOUS FAMILY WOMEN".

Sunday 25 December 2016

Sorry, but being a mother is not the most important job in the world

Not having anybody listening to your intellectually rebellious thoughts can cause serious damage to your brain said my brain... 
At once used blogging as my own way of catharsis ... It works... believe me.. it really does.

As blogging has more widespread interest, especially vis-á-vis electoral politics, feminist activity on the internet has remained marginal to the mainstream. “Blogging Feminism” continues to explore the wide range of activity to which young feminists devote themselves. Focal points for the works included in this issue include gender, cyber-activism, sexuality, race, class and globalization in the blogosphere and beyond.Feminist blogs serve the purpose of spreading ideas, sparking debates, raising awareness, discussing opinions, sharing stories, and virtually spreading the notion of feminism throughout the Internet.
With feminist blogging, women can have a voice to speak up about their opinions and beliefs.This also allows them to openly discuss about their situation with confidence and can help avoid being seen as silent or submissive. By blogging, it is seen as an effective method in getting the involvement of others or getting the attention of politically active people. With women discussing about events confidently, it allows a community of like minded individuals to understand what is occurring around the world and how they can get involved with different issues. With blogging, there is empowerment to make a difference within governments and international communities by getting involved through blogging. Feminist blogging is seen as a public activity that allows anyone to see a situation from a different viewpoint. Unlike traditional forms of media that discusses situations through a specific view that may appear to be male influence or avoids discussing about it, the information through feminist blogs is seen as transparent rather than edited for appeal.
With feminist blogging, there is an increase in activism. While many critics argue that nothing gets accomplished, feminist blogging encourages activism. Women use blogging as a method to get information and understanding of concepts or issues. Feminist blogging allows an individual who is in a community that does not understand or have much knowledge of the issues that many women go through. So, it allows individuals to get the information that many news resources may not cover and allows individuals to see through a difference perspective gaze. The gaze is not through a Western perspective, but rather a perspective of women living in that country with different cultural beliefs than Western societies. With women blogging about their opinions and hardships they endure, their personal problems become political and international as well.
Feminist blogging can be seen as an essential method in the democratization of women through online activism. 
Feminist blogging allows individuals to understand that activism in the modern era has changed. It allows individuals to incorporate social issues, such as feminism, into political activism and, allows for people to discover different forms of feminist theories.

Saturday 24 December 2016

“It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more to stand up to your friends.”

It does take courage to make a stand and go up against your enemies, but what happens when it’s your friends that you have to stand up to? This is when it becomes very hard indeed to go against the grain and stand up for what you believe is right. So many times young women are lured into what their group of friends is saying or doing, even when they know it’s not right. It may end up that you’re not friends with those people anymore, but you’ll make new friends that share your values.
Image result for feminist inspirational quotes

Tuesday 20 December 2016

How telly serials have misinterpreted feminism and hence showcasing a completely unrealistic image of Indian women

With the pressing situation of atrocities against women, most of the soaps have tried to incorporate those in their plots in an attempt to create awareness among the masses. But the truth I find is quite contrary. While crime against women is highlighted, there are numerous instances where the status of a woman disintegrates and degenerates.
And yes I mean in those Ekta Kapoor serials too, where the image of a woman in those shimmering chiffon saris or cool western wears makes us caste them into prototypes. The female protagonist MUST be a sanskari girl who wears only Indian dresses most of the time. Her culture must be reflected through her demeanour and often she must be the one sacrificing for the whole family. I mean what are the men doing in the drama then?
Oh I forgot, the men show their chiselled figures and arrive just in time to save the damsel in distress. In today’s age when feminism voices equality of rights then I don’t understand why it always has to be a girl who is to be saved from a host of problems by the man. Can’t it be the other way round? Like a man in need of help from a woman??
And if by chance the protagonist happens to come from a rich family and the lead hero from a poor financial background then she is quickly stripped of her position and wealth. Oh no no no…! She cannot be richer than him..! It is she who will always look up to him for support financially and emotionally. It is she who will voluntarily give up the material world for him to be his better half.
The man has to look coming straight from the gym, with a typical main tera hero look perennially glued to his face and he must possess the divine quality of breaking into a fight with whoever argues with him and hardly receiving a scratch in return. Even if he does so the woman will rush behind him to tear her pallu and make an instant bandage out of it. The woman must not then look directly in his eyes but pull up a show of her love by pretending to be coy with occasional smiles. She must run to her hero whenever she is in danger and no, she cannot protect herself. Even in supporting her to achieve her dreams, it is he who is to be praised for being the ideal husband and not to be seen as a woman’s equal right to pursue her aims.

If you see the vamps of such shows you will notice they follow certain rules and regulations which have to be diametrically opposite to that of the pure sanskari girl. For once and all they must wear western clothes (as if women who wears western dresses are automatically against the Indian culture)and if not then they MUST have a dark brown or black or any other dark coloured eye shadows as a proof of carrying evil in their bosoms.
They must always be driven by a jealously for the sanskari girl and by the twist of the plots if they manage to engage in an extra-marital affair with the leading hero then God help them. Because they are subjected to the category of a fallen woman, it is they who are solely at fault and never the hero. It is she who lures the man to fall for her and is later given a lecture(preferably by the female protagonist) on how pure is her marriage and how dare that she try to capture her man. 
The figure of a woman is divided into absolutes. She must either be purely divine barring all negativities of life or else she must be wholly evil. There are no grey shades to her character. The irony is that how these telly soaps manage to generate such high TRPs even if they show such clear gender divide. Such shows are viewed by millions and this divide gets more and more integrated into the society. We are surely entertained but the expenses are too high for that.  Progression and equality for women must be generated through the mass media where shows and serials should promote them. After all our country needs to be run both by a man and a woman, and one cannot exist without the other.

Monday 19 December 2016


  • Only 9 out of 52 winners of the National Book Award for Fiction are women.
  • Only 11 out of 48 winners of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction have been women.
  • Women writers won 63% of the awards but less than 30% of the money in awards reported by Poets & Writers. (Jan/Feb ‘03 issue).
  • 94% of all the writing awards at the Oscars have gone to men.
  • A recent study by the Coalition of Women’s Arts Organizations showed that in all 1-person shows for living artists in American museums, only 2% of the featured artists are women.
  • 51% of all visual artists are female and women hold 53% of art degrees, but 80% of college faculty members are male.
Source: Guerrilla Girls
  • The number of professionally trained artists and art historians in the U.S. – Males 52%, Females 48%
  • Percentage of artists at major institutions:
  • National Gallery of Art — 98% male, 99.9% white
  • National Portrait Gallery — 93% male, 99% white
  • Hirshhorn Museum - modern and contemporary art — 95% male, 94% white
  • Exhibition opportunities: Juried (artists unknown to juror) – Males 52%, Females 48%
  • Exhibitions opportunities: Invited (artists known to juror) – Males 80%, Females 20%
  • Gender distribution of visual artists in art texts – Males 90%, Females 10%
  • Of the over 100 Tonys awarded since 1947 for theater direction, only 2-5% have been to women Directors; only 2-6% to African American Directors.
  • Only four countries in the world fail to provide paid maternity leave to all workers:
  • Lesotho, Swaziland, Papua, New Guinea and the United States
  • The average college graduate who becomes a mother will sacrifice a million dollars over her lifetime.
  • Businesses that create flexible work environments find that productivity goes up, they attract more talent, turnover is reduced and their bottom line improves.
  • Single women make 90% of what men make
  • Women with children make 73% of what men make
  • Single women with children make 60% of what men make
  • Paid maternity leave is proven to lower child mortality, improve children’s learning, and reduce juvenile delinquency.
  • Paid maternity leave:
    Sweden — 15 months
    Canada — 12 months
    U.K. — 6 months
    U.S. — 0 months
    California just started offering parental leave for 6 or 12 weeks.

Thursday 15 December 2016

From the bra burning movement to why it is okay to be an angry woman !

The bra burning movement or The Miss America protest was a demonstration held at the Miss America 1969 (September 7, 1968). The protest was attended by about 400 feminists and separately, by civil rights advocates. The feminist protest, organized by New York Radical Women, included tossing a collection of symbolic feminine products, pots, false eyelashes, mops, and other items into a "Freedom trash can" . When the protesters also successfully unfurled a large banner emblazoned with "Women's Liberation" inside the contest hall, they drew worldwide media attention and national attention to the Women’s Liberation Movement. 

The Women’s Liberation Movement changed women’s lives socially, economically, and politically. It was described as “the revolution that will affect everybody” on the September 4, 1970, cover of LIFE magazine.

I sit to blog about it in an era where those products that went into the freedom trash can are recycled by a term called women essentials . Yes at times these materials that were kicked into trash are essential but is it not true that these materialistic things are shown as mere representation of what women are actually about. 

Women are definitely a lot more than that ..... to mention a few ... this thing , that thing , something and everything. 

Difference in sexuality is not just a biological fact ..... okay chill..  agreed !

But is it healthy when the very difference is misinterpreted , exploited , taken advantage of or misrepresented ?
If the difference is misrepresented for  a longer period then it turns out to become a cleverly coexisting epidemic in our society. The way out of it is just to be aloud because silence is no more golden.. no .. not any more ! 
Now when you tell people you are against it get an absurd look ..uff ...not surprising. After all you were talking not just for yourself.

If you are not for it then it is just okay to be against it....
Being a rebel is not rude !
If you set out to be liked by one and all .. then you are sure to make compromises with the system of patriarchy just for the convenience it offers. 

It is not okay to put you down forever and compensating for it by worshiping the idol form of you. Just not right !!

Bibliography - Wikipedia.

--An Angry Indian goddess  woman 

Wednesday 14 December 2016

The Nobler Sex

                         Tagore says, "Women is god's best creation". Women is the perennial source of inspiration in the odessey of life. Gandhiji is a stickler of truth. His entire life have been,"Experiments with truth". Being a lover of truth, he tried to verify the truth of any new thought before accpeting it. His relationship with Kasturbai helped him to understand real status of women. Gandhiji considered women to be the nobler sex. He wanted the women to be independent and to design her own destiny.
                          Somehow, history tends to forget its women. Many heroines, who walked shoulder to shoulder with the men during trying times, still remain in the shadows, their faces forgotten and their bravery unsung. Saraswathi Rajamani is one such heroine, a woman whose exceptional bravery and intelligence deserves to be recognised and respected by her country.

                           Saraswathi Rajamani was born in Burma, in a family of freedom frighters. Trichy was their native place. Netaji was awestruck, when Rajamani donated all the gold and diamond jewelleries that she had worn and owned for the INA, even at the young age of sixteen.  Later she and her friends were recruited in INA's Intelligence wing and they masqueraded as boys for almost two years. Once when she was rescusing her friend, she suffered a bullet shot in her right leg which left her with a permanent limp. Netaji admired her adventurousness and courage.
                           After independence, this veteran freedom fighter lived alone in a dilapidated and cramped one-room apartment in Chennai. Age has hardly withered Rajamani’s spirit and determination to serve her nation. Even at this old age, she visits tailor shops and collects cloth scraps as well as rejected fabrics from them. She uses these materials to make clothes that she then donates to orphanages and old age homes. During the devastating tsunami of 2006, she also donated her meagre monthly pension as a freedom fighter to the relief fund. Though she is very grateful to the chief minister, the very thought that what she accepted was charity, for the first time in her long life, troubled her. At the end of an interview as they were ready to go, she stood up, saluted and said, Jai Hind! And, the handshake! They found that it was not the handshake of a tired old woman; it was warm and very strong, exactly like that of a lionhearted woman. She is not only a woman of audacity, but also generosity.
                           According to Gandhiji, what women needed the most was Education. Women's birthright to be equal and free must be recognized. She should become independent like man. Nehru says,"When women moves forward,the family moves,the village moves and the nation moves".
                           Doctor by profession, 36-year-old Seema Saadikha is a resident of Bengaluru. As a student of medicine, she used to be a part of many health camps organised in different villages and it was since then that she developed an interest in going out of her way to help people. She was first attracted by the Banadur village of Karnataka. Earlier she found that it was difficult to bring them on same the page in any discussion. But soon Seema came to the conclusion that the best way to bring the villagers together would be through children. She found that due to the lack of electricity, it used to be dark by the time the children returned from schools, and could not study anything after reaching home. In May 2015, she started an NGO named Namma Mitra Foundation, which installed a mini solar-grid in the village, which now provides electricity to 70 houses, and powers street lights which helped their children study better. Every month, the organization collects Rs. 20 from the each house and that money is used for the maintenance of the grid and to pay a salary to the caretaker. This way, they provide jobs to the villagers as well. They are expanding and taking the same projects to Kukrewada and other villages. Other than training villagers and employing them, Seema has a team of volunteers helping her run the NGO activities. Being a doctor she could have opted for building many hospitals rather than solar panel installation. She proved that developing a village with educated kids and employed youths is far better than increasing one’s own bank balance.
                              Swamy Vivekananda says, "There is no chance for welfare of the world, unless the condition of women is improved. "Gandhiji wanted to abolish the superstitions of tradition bounded India.He wanted to abolish untouchability,widowhood,child marriage and superstitious practices.
                               We live in a patriarchal society . An educated woman may have money and independence, but that is also snatched away when she becomes a widow. Culturally as a widow one cannot do anything. They cannot grow their hair, they should not look beautiful, etc.
                               Mohini Giri is a prominent women's rights activist in India. She is the daughter in law of our former president V.V.Giri. She has received several honorary doctoral degrees from universities in India and abroad, as well as numerous awards and distinctions. Giri lost her husband when she was 50.
 She began her involvement in campaigning and advocacy, founding the War Widows Association in response to the 1971 Indo-Pakistani war.The organisation provides emotional and economic support to women who have lost their husbands in war.Hindu widows are expected to live a spiritual and bare life in constant mourning for their husbands, according to tradition.In a country of 1.25 billion, with 80% of these being Hindu, there are an estimated 40 million widows in India. Generally all widows are ostracized. Dr Giri established the North Indian Branch of the Guild of Service, which  is one of the oldest social service organisations in India working in education, disability, social welfare and health. She chaired the Delhi State Social Welfare Advisory Board from 1987 – 1990, the National Commission for Women from 1995 – 1998 and led the development of a National Policy for Senior Citizens in 2011. She was a founding trustee of the Womens Initiative for Peace in South Asia. She is also a board member of The Hunger Project.Dr Giri has emphasised in her social activism that all who engage are agents of social change. Empowerment is found wherever people act and are supported to act to enhance their society.

                                God cannot be everywhere, that is why he made Mothers. These three women though had chances to live a hedonistic life, they were very magnanimous. They extended their mother love to many people. Hence they prove Gandhiji's words, that is, women are embodiment of self sacrifice, silent suffering, infinite love and have soul force to reach their goals.