Thursday 15 December 2016

From the bra burning movement to why it is okay to be an angry woman !

The bra burning movement or The Miss America protest was a demonstration held at the Miss America 1969 (September 7, 1968). The protest was attended by about 400 feminists and separately, by civil rights advocates. The feminist protest, organized by New York Radical Women, included tossing a collection of symbolic feminine products, pots, false eyelashes, mops, and other items into a "Freedom trash can" . When the protesters also successfully unfurled a large banner emblazoned with "Women's Liberation" inside the contest hall, they drew worldwide media attention and national attention to the Women’s Liberation Movement. 

The Women’s Liberation Movement changed women’s lives socially, economically, and politically. It was described as “the revolution that will affect everybody” on the September 4, 1970, cover of LIFE magazine.

I sit to blog about it in an era where those products that went into the freedom trash can are recycled by a term called women essentials . Yes at times these materials that were kicked into trash are essential but is it not true that these materialistic things are shown as mere representation of what women are actually about. 

Women are definitely a lot more than that ..... to mention a few ... this thing , that thing , something and everything. 

Difference in sexuality is not just a biological fact ..... okay chill..  agreed !

But is it healthy when the very difference is misinterpreted , exploited , taken advantage of or misrepresented ?
If the difference is misrepresented for  a longer period then it turns out to become a cleverly coexisting epidemic in our society. The way out of it is just to be aloud because silence is no more golden.. no .. not any more ! 
Now when you tell people you are against it get an absurd look ..uff ...not surprising. After all you were talking not just for yourself.

If you are not for it then it is just okay to be against it....
Being a rebel is not rude !
If you set out to be liked by one and all .. then you are sure to make compromises with the system of patriarchy just for the convenience it offers. 

It is not okay to put you down forever and compensating for it by worshiping the idol form of you. Just not right !!

Bibliography - Wikipedia.

--An Angry Indian goddess  woman 


  1. Veracious words!! The "Freedom trash can " was a part of Feminist protest in Atlantic city. The protest was actually against the annual judging of women according to physical beauty standard. I still can't introspect the reason behind this. More than that, in our country, one who is wearing bindhi with plaited hair is assumed to be a girl . When girls got sold for these things? Of course women are a lot more than this. PHENOMENAL MOVE!!!

  2. I ever known about this movement called bra burning movement with the help of you i could able to understand the feelings of earlier feminists....

  3. Unremitting words!!.I think being a women is a terribly difficult trade since it consists principally of dealings with men. We must realize the importance of our voice. I think feminism is for everybody!!
