Saturday 24 December 2016

“It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more to stand up to your friends.”

It does take courage to make a stand and go up against your enemies, but what happens when it’s your friends that you have to stand up to? This is when it becomes very hard indeed to go against the grain and stand up for what you believe is right. So many times young women are lured into what their group of friends is saying or doing, even when they know it’s not right. It may end up that you’re not friends with those people anymore, but you’ll make new friends that share your values.
Image result for feminist inspirational quotes


  1. We have the courage to stand up against our enemies.It resembles who are the enemies. You give different meaning of the word also mention what the silence is.keep writing...

  2. Your words are true sathya.We must think beyond the sky and think beyond the heaven.When we wish to break and just social hurdles,we should first come out of emotional barriers which include family,friends,relatives etc. We should stand for what is right even if it means to stand alone,good start and go ahead Sathya.

  3. Its true in many aspects friend, when we need to untie the social ropes ,there are our own intimates as you mentioned may be our own Bessie stands as a snag. A stunning kick off with an effective tag. Keep thoughts!!
