Tuesday 27 December 2016

THEY ARE "HIDDEN TREASURE" ...still not Recognized !!

Hi friends, sorry for the long halt.
  It would be a bell of dissatisfaction if I don't ink about her. She starts her day for OTHERS, pacing in the kitchen. She cooks in the house, do the household chores, go to office, works there also, returns home drooped, ready to nuke again and her day ends after the long run. But in spite of her sedulous spring, she expects no recognition.
    What she get by doing all this??? What?? Nothing for herself, then why she do this?? It's because of her bottom line, the state of seeing OTHERS comfort gives her bliss. Who are this "OTHERS"?? for whom she is having this daily drive? Who is she??
     At alpha, many INTUITIONS, at mid more GUESSES and at Omega, all ASSURANCES. Yes, she' none other than the doer, who debuted me to this stage, "MY MOTHER". I am one in this "OTHERS", who breathe through her nose.

Every woman, both working woman and house wives, work with might and main for our construction and they stand as the foundational pillar for our form. In case of a housewife, she is presumed to be doing no  work officially, on the other side if a working women assumed to be doing no household chores.
 They anticipate no compliments for their never ending performance but let their dignity be not threatened. They have their value and deserve respect from everyone.
She does everything but clichés are struck in her wings also. When a child has achieved something, his father is given the praise for upbringing him, while the same child turns for a crooked path, the mother is blamed for  nurturing the child like that. Most of the time I have encountered situations where the praise rained always on the father or the husband but where the actual deserver is the mother or the wife. What more than this is required for us to prove that something is bitty yet? Obviously, they don`t do anything for compliments or glory, but others don`t have the droit to drag praise from their toil.
    She buried her interests in soil making it strong for me to grow as a firm plant.

Dedicated to all "MOTHERS"
          To all "HEROIC and FABULOUS FAMILY WOMEN".


  1. Super ... great write out about the first God

  2. Yeah... What a powerful influence she continues to be... Always love your mother because you never get another. She made broken look beautiful and strong look invincible.She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like a pair of wings.Definitely ! A mother is she who can fake the place of all others but whose place no one else can fake!!!! Keep writing....

  3. A very contrasting but straight out of my heart answer awaits for you in my upcoming blog.. "sorry..but being a mother is not the most important job in this world".

  4. wow nive!!! such a charming words about addressing on our great first lordesss MOTHER. go ahead....
