Friday 2 December 2016


After a classic start, lets go for a plausible one. Our intent is not to validate our rank more than men but to get equal certificate. This is probably taking shape but something stands as an impediment. This "something" is nothing but certain knee jerk clichés usually known as "stereotypes". Generally some which starts with' Women are...' .
                                  There is always a profound feeling in  me about the word" beauty". Why is this word so much needed for women but no sweat for man? Good looking is expected more from women than men, this is because we gave the word "beauty" a feminine gender.                             What image your mind whittles when we say the word "Nurses". Obviously a women in her snowy attire. Why? Is there no men nurses? Its because we assume that nurses are always women .            We give second look to a girl or a women riding a motor bike while our eyeball fluctuates in normal when we see a men riding scooty.                                                                                                      Why boys  group standing in the street are ignored while girls group standing in the street are given a stare? Why  a teenaged girl talking in the phone suppose to be talking  with her guy? Why a girl of western attire presumed to be out of culture?                          
What are the reasons behind such stereotypes, which again subjugate women.? There is no answer for this question, because no one knows the root cause for such creepers. It has emerged without anyone's cognitive action. It didn`t bother anyone's normal day but these are snake in bushes for women`s dignity.  Why bride's sister should not step out the room during her marriage alliance while the groom's brother accompany his brother during the occasion .  The  answer for this question is that the groom may go for the sister if she overwhelms in beauty than the bride . While women give no space for such quantum leap. This again elevates  women's value, while sets down the men. We are no less than men.
                           Yes, " We are..." something, which except us, none can judge. Stereotypes don`t define not only "us", but no one in this world.
          This is not being acrimonious, but dolorous words of a bird which in spite of wings can`t fly due to the storm of "clichés" ..... 



  1. Nive any comment for this would be an understatement ....words that came straight from your heart entered mine. Your neverending WHYs will definitely have an end if ppl try to have a similar train of thought about feminism.... proud of you !!!

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  3. Its really plausible. Punching questions which scratch the hitches. Women’s underrepresentation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields is a prominent concern in our society and many others. Closer inspection of this phenomenon reveals a more nuanced picture, however, with women achieving parity with men at the Ph.D. level in certain STEM fields, while also being underrepresented in some non-STEM fields. It is important to consider and provide an account of this field-by-field variability. I hope this will heat up the cause.Sterling Nivetha.

  4. Amazing.. what an enhancing words flows from your heart dear...superb

  5. Hello I'm Shobana, a friend of your mate Keerthana. Your words were really extraordinary. It actually voices out many of the 'Why' questions we carry in our mind,always being the gender engulfed by clichés. Do keep writing more.

  6. You have good thought process.We have the power to change the thoughts of others.Women always have SUPER POWER than men.proud of you....

    1. Your plaudits always makes me to move on...thank you friend

  7. there are so many whys because there are very few like You ! Good One !!

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    2. Thank you very much for your support...

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    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement...

  9. Nive it's just awesome one . Awesomeness overloaded... great words ....good one write more

    1. Thank you Meena for your laudatory words....

  10. Well there is a lot to say...I could see my thoughts over up there,but written by my friend...Even a bomb bombards only once,but potential words bombard every single time they hit u...n so was Ur work....n I feel u missed one thing out... The point- The way the look n criticize will sometimes make you fall in your own views...

  11. Its true Monisha , that we are inflicted to forsake our own points because of their deem and censure. Its time for a change, we may fall down after their push but have to prove that our flop is only for a jerk to start again with full punch. I accept your suggestion and try to cover your views in my next turn. Thank you for your panegyric words...

  12. Lol you arer becoming too poetic by your phenomenal words...I have to admit it...n yeah about the inflicts...all women do not fall..only a few weak shoulders do ...they need support not a change##

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    1. Thank you so much for your words, sister ...I am always proud to be a sister for a motivational person like this... thanks for your wishes and blessing...

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  16. The "change" which I meant here is that we should not let down our views because of their hand but instead should ignore them and keep moving. I actually verbalized this point in sturdy words , that's it friend...

    1. If it is so then it's cool..but instead of ignoring ...we gotta do something..since the tool ignorance is of no use today...but we have to put the truth right on their face even if it's going to be gauche..... that is how they are going to learn it

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  21. This is ur sister Monisha.... Your words sounds really good and Amazing. ...They are really heart touching. .....Proud to be ur sister dear. ....A Good start dear. ....Keep moving on .....May God bless you. ...All the very best. .....

  22. Thank you so much Moni, for your wishes, blessing and more than that for your emboldening words...
