Saturday 31 December 2016


"MARRIAGE", a legal bond between men and women done with the approval from the society. This function happens for minimum three days in our side. This is an occasion which not only joins the couple but the two distinct families also.
I recently encountered my cousin sister's engagement function. It left me with joy, happiness and a mere feel too, the reason why I am imprinting this.
     It was at sea for the bride's side but a cool breeze for the groom's side.
This was an inter religion marriage. The bride's side were Christians while groom's side were Hindus. The bride was asked to put bindhi as initial transformation, giving up her norm. While the groom was happily standing abiding to his own culture. He won't change but , it's necessary for the girl. This is not religion chauvinism but males. She can't oppose openly, her voice was shut behind the family members. What is the reason? Because she is a girl.
Other thing which made me to stand on the horns of dilemma was that I was restricted to stand near the bride, not only me no adult girl was allowed. While the groom is at high, chatting with his adult boys. Why such subjugation, even in occasions?
     Marriage is something that involves both men and women, why it is always seen in a narrow way as if life is given to the girl by the boy.
Is Mangal sutru, an unofficial gazette to change the girl's name. Why? The men is not struck with any truck of changes after crossing the marriage track, but it's quite obverse for a girl.
    A festival in India mostly coils my brain. It is known as Varalakshmi Noambu , where married wives keep fasting for the elongation of their partner's days. I don't complain this rituals, but why the same is not done by men. Don't they want there wife to live long or they don't believe in rituals? Because they can easily have a quantum leap to another if their wives expire.  No one stand against this, its seen as an usual thing. While if women take the same leap, she is given a look in a different way by the society. Why??
        These are poisonous seed, which was watered by none but us , now stands as a huge tree for our walk.


  1. While women are struggling for equal space in marriage there are several opinions online on why marriage isn't a feminist choice. A marriage is feminist both partners in the marriage are equal.When equality is non- negotiable, the marriage is feminist.Married women can be feminists,and feminists can get married.Marrige and feminism aren't mutually exclusive.keep flying...

  2. Exactly.. but considering the fact that women are much more than marriageable sex.. I would love to see transwomen , transmen , gay and lesbians or who so ever having a social approval for their own sexuality . However.. Spinsters and bachelors are no harm and no less pride to a society.

  3. since now some women are placed behind the window at their home.... this is not so fair now if men oppose the societal norms why women can be????

  4. Not all men are Akbar to accept Jodha as Jodha Bai
