Monday 19 December 2016


  • Only 9 out of 52 winners of the National Book Award for Fiction are women.
  • Only 11 out of 48 winners of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction have been women.
  • Women writers won 63% of the awards but less than 30% of the money in awards reported by Poets & Writers. (Jan/Feb ‘03 issue).
  • 94% of all the writing awards at the Oscars have gone to men.
  • A recent study by the Coalition of Women’s Arts Organizations showed that in all 1-person shows for living artists in American museums, only 2% of the featured artists are women.
  • 51% of all visual artists are female and women hold 53% of art degrees, but 80% of college faculty members are male.
Source: Guerrilla Girls
  • The number of professionally trained artists and art historians in the U.S. – Males 52%, Females 48%
  • Percentage of artists at major institutions:
  • National Gallery of Art — 98% male, 99.9% white
  • National Portrait Gallery — 93% male, 99% white
  • Hirshhorn Museum - modern and contemporary art — 95% male, 94% white
  • Exhibition opportunities: Juried (artists unknown to juror) – Males 52%, Females 48%
  • Exhibitions opportunities: Invited (artists known to juror) – Males 80%, Females 20%
  • Gender distribution of visual artists in art texts – Males 90%, Females 10%
  • Of the over 100 Tonys awarded since 1947 for theater direction, only 2-5% have been to women Directors; only 2-6% to African American Directors.
  • Only four countries in the world fail to provide paid maternity leave to all workers:
  • Lesotho, Swaziland, Papua, New Guinea and the United States
  • The average college graduate who becomes a mother will sacrifice a million dollars over her lifetime.
  • Businesses that create flexible work environments find that productivity goes up, they attract more talent, turnover is reduced and their bottom line improves.
  • Single women make 90% of what men make
  • Women with children make 73% of what men make
  • Single women with children make 60% of what men make
  • Paid maternity leave is proven to lower child mortality, improve children’s learning, and reduce juvenile delinquency.
  • Paid maternity leave:
    Sweden — 15 months
    Canada — 12 months
    U.K. — 6 months
    U.S. — 0 months
    California just started offering parental leave for 6 or 12 weeks.


  1. It totally depends on how the readers comprehend the statastics.. at least for me it was very saddening to see how we have less percentage ..but numbers does not matter the quality of those numbers howevr small does.

  2. I was really shocked to see this statistics.The statistics shows where we stand.. but we stand in really bad position. It was really bad to see the statistics because we have very low percentage. Yeah..We live in male chauvinistic society.But women should over come..
