Thursday 1 December 2016


This Girl In The Dark 
Has a beautiful face without a name 
And a beautiful smile to hide the pain 
This Girl In the Dark 
Has cuts up her arm 
Loves nothing more then self harm 
This Girl in the dark 
Doesn’t know how much longer she can keep trying 
Everyday she’s slowly dying 
This Girl in the Dark 
Sits all alone 
Wants a place to truly call home 
This Girl in the dark 
Wants nothing more then to be free 
I know this because this Girl is me
                       This is not just a poem by Julie bond, but the inner voice of every feminine soul. In my dictionary, a girl is a human species whose body is not as soft as Ranunculus, but as sensitive as Dormilones. Her heart is not as rigid as Carbyene, but as strong as Diamond. Her mind is not as open as a Book, but it is as clear as a Crystal. God created humans to live by love. What are all the things to be loved? Nature,nation,fashion,science,spirit and all the living creatures. We see that, mostly we call all rivers,mountains,oceans,nations,bacteria,algae in names of femininity. All the lovables are perceived as feminine, but not all the females are loved and respected. 'Change is unchangeable' is accepted by all. But some believe that women are exceptional to change. This thought paves way to all the problems forced to be faced by women. These women, despite their hardship, struggle not to change others view about them, but to prove their identity. Women are not flightless cassowaries but their wings are pinned.


  1. A good start with moving verses. Sturdy words sparkling in a light way clearly accents our theme. The tone of a flightless bird yeaning to fly is verbalized in your utterance. Good start to fly!!!

  2. A fantastic start With smoothing verses...which makes me to so strong abt feminism... HATES OF...

  3. exactly..Despite the hardwork amd struggle.. we are the ones who are made to put up with violence , stereotypes and a constanty unquestioned unacceptance in the name of compassion.
    Hope our words unpin our wings.

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  5. A wondeful start... Unwavering words clearly explains what the feminine soul is.These lines not only contains unremitting words but also contains semantics.Good start to glide !!!!

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  9. Great start..keep go..all the best😃

  10. Wowwwww 😍😍 well written.. Go ahead 💕

  11. The illuminated words commenced to swipe away the women in dark...Nice...
    Spread your wings and reach Greater heights..😃😆

  12. The comparison to sensitivity as Dormilore,heart strong as diamond,mind as crystal are ok.
    But why to get struck up with negative thoughts lets try positivity.Let change in women be accepted let us bring this feminist view even stronger. Let us unpin the wings to fly with flying colours.

  13. Thank you for your true comments. I need your enduring support.
