Saturday 31 December 2016


It's not of being bored that I chalk this, but viewing the outline, we are being raised.                                                                    It's true and we are very much condign to nod our head to the fact that women are fostered to reach heights these days. We are atmost bearing the palm in many acreages.
      Due to breakthrough in technology and education, the mindset of people are gradually becoming voluminous. Since because of this , our ladder is reaching the sky. Like, working women are enhanced, equal percentage in contesting elections are taking place, girls with guts and spirits are galvanized inspite of pre-assuming it to be the male's trait and imparting fair shake to girls in all arena.
          The society has started evading from the storm of clichés by moulding it's view about women.
   It may be, being at one's wit for some, thinking of, for the past few days she  was quite sturdy in her views of enumerating motifs raised against women, but now why a sudden flip change.
            I am neither pranking nor playing, in a very outlined way, our rank is high, but in a deep sense..far more to go.
To be frank, I have not bumped out with any kind of subjugation or prejudice candidly. Many may be at loss, thinking then why is it necessary for this girl to
dash off like this.
We go in a bus and peep outside the window, everything outside may not interest everyone. For a student, an Audi car, for a daily wager, a good looking house and for a person who is hungry, a food stall would interest him or her. Most of them get interested in things which they lack but only few, may be five in a bus , inspite of having no lack, would be eagered to introspect others lack and give solution.
 We are those five birds included in that "FEW". Despite of not having any privy experiences,  we see for cases which affect the society in whole. If something didn't happen to us, it doesn't mean that it's not at all happening.
All these, not only stand as a barrier for our progress but the Nation's too...


  1. True .. every indivuduals progress matters for the nation

  2. Really truest thing nive...we the swooping cassowaries must progress for the nation...HATES OFF...

  3. Yeah.. We are working together to bring equality for all.The strength of the team is each individual member, the strength of the each individual member is the team.So we are working together for our better nation....
